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Bad habits that make you age faster (seriously)

Bad habits that make you age faster (seriously)

You wouldn't want to look a decade older than you actually are. 

Often we are not even aware of our everyday habits that are making us old and we all know we will age but if you age faster or look older than you actually are then it's the result of unhealthy habits. Our choices are responsible for how we look or feel about ourselves. 

Bad habits can really speed up the process of aging and can make you look older even at a very young age so, you must know about your unhealthy habits that may cause premature aging.

Science believed that a smile keeps you happy as well as it keeps you young.

A healthy lifestyle is very important to live longer, healthy, and younger.

Now, Have a look at such aging habits -

1. If you're a makeup addict

I know you won't believe but if you're someone who just loves too much makeup on your face then be aware of its side effects, Makeup isn't bad but too much is bad as the excess of anything is never good. You don't need a lot of makeup to look or feel more beautiful,

Just know applying too much makeup is not healthy for your skin and it can cause premature aging.

According to Dr. Stuart, the aging caused by makeup is not detected early, its effect starts appearing in a few years. 

Products that contain more fragrance and chemicals also have a high alcohol content, which tends to dry out the skin. 

It also causes skin itching and other skin issues. This causes wrinkles to appear on the face. Don't forget to wash your face before going to bed as it'll protect your skin from getting acne.

2. Doing many things at the same time ( Aka Multitasking )

The reason why Multitasking isn't good because of the amount of stress it brings.

The increased stress caused by doing many things at once and working for hours every day has a bad effect on the body. 

According to Raymond Caskiari, chief of the medical staff at St. Roseuff's Hospital in California, "People think it's a good thing to do too many things at once, but it adds up to a lot of stress." 

According to research, aging comes quickly due to stress. So Do one thing at a time and take care of yourself. 

3. Smoking is a bad idea

We all know smoking is bad and not just for your respiratory health but also it makes you look old. Smoking makes the skin dry and wrinkles appear on the face. 

Smoking also decreases the level of vitamin C in the body, while the job of vitamin C is to maintain skin moisture. Nicotine causes wrinkles. Overall, Smoking is not cool, It's just bad for your health and will make you look old. So Don't smoke if you don't want to look like 40 in your 20s.

4. Don't be Night Owl

Lack of sleep not only causes darkening around the eyes, but according to Dr. Caskiari of St. Joseph's Hospital, it also shortens the life span.

He says, 'It is necessary to sleep for 7 hours every day.' According to him, due to less sleep, the brain feels tired and weight also increases. 

Improve your sleeping habits, Go to bed early and let your body have rest so it can work properly so you won't look dull the next morning and every other day.

5. Being lazy can get you in trouble

People who sit for a long time may have kidney and heart diseases. Even they are at risk of cancer and obesity. 

According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine, it can be avoided and age can be increased with regular exercise. 

People who exercise about 150 minutes a week live an average of 10 to 13 years longer than those who do not exercise. 

Exercising can easily flush toxins out of the body. So get into the habit of daily exercise for at least 30 minutes to feel healthy and look young.

6. Too much sugar isn't good

As we know sugar isn't good for our health. Too much sugar not only increases weight but also increases age. 'Sugar molecules combine with skin cells to make them hard and irregular,' explains Souha Stuart, a dermatologist in San Diego. 

This makes the skin look dull and it causes dark circles and wrinkles under the eyes. It can cause other health issues too, if you get caught up with diseases too early then it will also cause premature aging so avoid sugar, Avoid disease and Eat healthy to look young and glowing.

7. Ignoring the best skincare product you have

Sunscreens are the best anti-aging product you'll come across and if you apply sunscreen only when you're at the beach or out under the sun then you're probably not using your Sunscreens right. 

You're supposed to put sunscreen all year on your body even on cloudy days because it'll reduce the effect of UV rays on your skin. So don't ever forget to use apply sunscreen to avoid premature aging.


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